Monday, 20 October 2014

Conquer the fear

Use strategies to overcome the natural fear of public speaking
Some would argue that the number-one fear is speaking in public. This fear is common to both rookie and veteran presenters. In our experience, we have found we can eliminate most of the nervousness through simple preparation and active rehearsal, a little more through deep breathing, and whatever remains through mental preparation.
Here are the strategies:

Ø  Spend the time and energy to prepare and rehearse, especially your opening, since this is time when the fear is greatest.

Ø  Take deep breaths and hold each for four five seconds. Exhale with a controlled, slow release. Then inhale deeply and repeat.

Ø  Silence the negative voice3e in your head. Feed your mind positive affirmations, ones that give your power and confidence.

Ø  Finally, focus your mind on your audience. This way you will not have time to worry about yourself.

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